Zocht je misschien: framework?
Towards the Integration of Cyber Security and Enterprise Architecture to Improve Cyber Risk Management
Nick Nieuwenhuis (Student)
Nurses’ Relational Leadership Struggles on Positioning in Strategic Hospital Crisis Management
Pieterbas Lalleman; Arjan Verhoeven; Erik van de Loo; Henri Marres
How Smart Airport is Paving the way for a Smart Access Concept: Technology’s Role in the Digital Ecosystem of the Access Control Process
Gardt, Sersinho (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Satink, Rob
Scientific conference paper in ICRA@40
Teeffelen, (Kees) (Onderzoeker); Sluiter, (Victor) (Onderzoeker); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector)
Collaborative business model experimentation for urban upcycling
van Hees, Marco (City Net Zero); Oskam, Inge (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Bocken, Nancy
Indiandribble: how can indiandribble market their rental spaces and adapt their business model to ensure efficiency and profitability of their rental services?
Josje Irankunda (Student); Kjersti Ehrie (Docent); Bernard Polet (Begeleider)
Supply chain resilience capabilities in European food supply chains: the impact of COVID-19 in the Netherlands
Akkerman, Renzo; Haijema, Rene; Kunz, Marvin; de Leeuw, Sander; Nguyen, Viet (Amsib (Cedis)); Schellekens, Harmke; van der Stelt, Gideon; de Leeuw, Sander; Akkerman, Renzo; Romero Silva, Rodrigo
Light Electric Freight Vehicles – Beyond the Hype?
Bram Kin; Walther Ploos van Amstel; Ruben Fransen
Unraveling the ESG Reporting Landscape: A Comprehensive Analysis of Standards, Frameworks, and Impact on Firms
Amir Moradi (Onderzoeker); Hugo Gobato Souto (Onderzoeker); Ákos Tóth-Pajor
Gevoelige onderwerpen bespreken met de klas
Dullemen, N (Nera) van (Student)