Measuring the relationship between reciprocity behaviour and technology readiness of nursing staff working in residential care and community nursing
Coffetti, Elvira (Reciprocity In Learning Networks); Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Krijnen, Wim P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Roodbol, Petrie F; Finnema, Evelyn J; Zuidersma, Jelly (Reciprocity In Learning Networks)
Feral Experiments in CreaTures Co-Laboratory
Dolejšová, Markéta; Botero, Andrea; Choi, Jaz Hee-Jeong (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Mitro, Michal; Pokrywka, Agniezska; Mattelmäki, Tuuli; Chewie
The effectiveness of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) on intercultural competence development in higher education
Simone Hackett (Lid Lectoraat); Jeroen Janssen; Pamela Beach; Melanie Perreault; J.M.H.J. (Jos) Beelen (Lector); Jan van Tartwijk
Relationship quality in higher education and the interplay with student engagement and loyalty
Ingrid Snijders (Onderzoeker); Lisette Wijnia (Onderzoeker); Rebecca Kuiper (Onderzoeker); Remy Rikers (Onderzoeker); Sofie Loyens (Onderzoeker)
The 3-Month Effectiveness of a Stratified Blended Physiotherapy Intervention in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Martijn F. Pisters (Lector); Corelien JJ Kloek; Remco M. Arensman; Raymond WJG Ostelo; Cindy Veenhof
ArtsSciences Design-a-thon: Solving Complex Problems in Interdisciplinary Teams
Bremmer, Melissa; Heijnen, Emiel; Hotze, Anna; Pijls, Monique (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Beamer, Emer; Roos, Nathalie
Digital Escape Rooms as Innovative Pedagogical Tools in Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Makri, Agoritsa; Vlachopoulos, Dimitrios; Martina, Richard A.
Design principles for language sensitive technology lessons in teacher education
Gerald van Dijk (Onderzoeker); Maaike Hajer (Lector); Wilmad Kuiper (Onderzoeker); Harrie Eijkelhof (Onderzoeker)
Biomimicry design thinking education
Laura Stevens (Lid Lectoraat); H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Lid Lectoraat); K.F. (Karel) Mulder (Lector); Marc de Vries
Academic entrepreneurship in the context of education
Rossano-Rivero, Sue; Wakkee, Ingrid (Hogeschool Van Amsterdam)