Zocht je misschien: breed?
Optimizing palliative care education nationwide
Ingrid van Zuilekom; Jojanneke Thiesen – van Staveren; Marijke Dericks-Issing; Marieke van den Brand; Harmieke van Os‑Medendorp (Lector); Suzanne Metselaar
Building Attractive Employer Brands Through Internal Social Media
Hein, Antonia; Elving, Wim
Striving for more than just profit: examining the relationship between cause-related brand posts and social media engagement
S.B.T. Smit; K. Mazerant-Dubois; K.S. Klaassen; L.M. Willemsen
Threefold Brand Awareness & Differentiation Strategy for HELLO SPACE
Siyana Marinova (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Stephanie Velichkova (Begeleider)
Factors affecting young consumers purchase intention of refurbished electronic devices in the Netherlands
Haaker, (Timber) (Lector); Ho, (Henry) (Onderzoeker)
Internal Social Media Use for an Attractive Internal Employer Brand
Hein, Antonia; Elving, Wim; Koster, Sjerdjan; Edzes, Arjen
Unlocking the Path to Sustainability- Multi-Brand Retail SMEs as Agents of Change in the Fashion Supply Chain
van Leyen, Bensimon (Student); Schellens, Sander; Moonilal, Merunisha
Unveiling the path to millenials hearts: "what are the most effective strategies for creating awareness among the millenials for hospitaltiy startups?
Isabelle Kirkels (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
Secad's journey to the Digital world
Gianluca Gentile (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Andrea Serdi (Begeleider)
Topical Advertising in enduring events: the role of timing and creativity in engagement with social media brand messages during COVID-19
K. Mazerant-Dubois; L.M. Willemsen; P.C. Neijens; E.J. van Schooten; G. van Noort