Nurse-Led Physical Screening of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
J. F. M. Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat); Esther Krijnen-de Bruin (Lid Lectoraat); V. J. A. Buwalda; A. E. Goudriaan; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Take it Personal!+ in People With Mild Intellectual Disability or Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Substance Use Disorder
Gosens, Lotte C.F.; Poelen, Evelien A.P.; Didden, Robert; de Jonge, Jannet M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Schellekens, Arnt F.A.; VanDerNagel, Joanneke E.L.; Onghena, Patrick; Otten, Roy
Substance Use among International College Students in The Netherlands
van den Bos, Arne; Blaauw, Eric; Venema, Simon; Bieleman, Bert
Stress and strain: a qualitative study into the impact of having relatives with addiction problems on students’ health and daily lives
D.M. van Namen; V. Knapen; A.L. van Staa; H. de Vries; S.R. Hilberink; G.E. Nagelhout
Psychiatric comorbidities in older adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review
F. Baltjes; J.M. Cook; M. van Kordenoordt; S. Sobczak
Drugs: leuk of meuk?
Anke van Duren (Student); Celina Boes (Student)
Seminar studenten en middelengebruik
van den Bos, Arne; de Smeth, Bill
Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on students with relatives with addiction problems: a longitudinal qualitative study
D.M. van Namen; S.R. Hilberink; H. de Vries; G.E. Nagelhout; A.L. van Staa
Middelengebruik in de huisartsenpraktijk
Blaauw, Eric
Onderzoek Pro Justitia
Blaauw, Eric