De verpleegkundige overdracht aan bed
Kim Eerens (Student); Michael Breemen (Begeleider)
A randomized controlled trial of Golden Ratio, Feng Shui, and Evidence Based Design in healthcare
Zijlstra, Emma (Facility Management); van der Zwaag, Bart; Kullak, Sabine; Rogers, Ab; Walker, Dean; van Dellen, Sjoukje; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
Metabolic load during morning care and active bed exercises in critically ill patients
Kwakman, Robin C.H. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Voorn, Eric L.; Sommers, Juultje; Gerrits, Karin; Nollet, Frans; Engelbert, Raoul H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Enhanced Bio-BTX Formation by Catalytic Pyrolysis of Glycerol with In Situ Produced Toluene as the Cofeed
Wang, Fukang; Kramer, Thomas Sjouke; Yan, Bin; Zhu, Lin; Zhu, Yuezhao; Heeres, Andre; Ciolca, Diana; Jan Heeres, Hero; He, Songbo
Shape Morphing of 4D-Printed Polylactic Acid Structures under Thermal Stimuli
Kostopoulos, Grigorios; Stamoulis, Konstantinos (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Lappas, Vaios; Georgantzinos, Stelios K.
A deep neural network for the detection of epileptic seizures in comatose pediatric patients
Angélique Huige (Student); Bente Sinke (Docent); Jolène Cijsouw (Docent); Robert van den Berg (Begeleider)
HZ Stern 2024Anti-spasme orthese op maat
Linda Brender à Brandis (Student); Noeki de Nie (Begeleider)
A case vignette study to refine the target group of an intermediate care model: the Acute Geriatric Community Hospital
Eline D. Kroeze (Onderzoeker); Aafke J. de Groot (Onderzoeker); Susanne M. Smorenburg (Onderzoeker); Janet L. Mac Neil Vroomen (Onderzoeker); Anneke van Vught (Associate Lector); Bianca Buurman
Experiencing the physical and psychosocial aspects in a multi-bedded room in an oncology ward in the Netherlands before the COVID-19 pandemic
Zijlstra, Emma (Facility Management); Hagedoorn, Mariët; Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
Bewegen tijdens de ziekenhuisopname
Geelen, Sven Jacobus Gertruda (Functieherstel En Kwaliteit Van Leven Na Brandwonden)