Developing a virtual reality application for online arts and psychomotor therapies using action research
Nathalie Jans (Onderzoeker); Hans Wouters (Onderzoeker); Joep Kolijn (Docent); Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
The body gets the notion
Olthof, Anne Marleen (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Verlinden, Jouke; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life)
Promoting creative autonomy support in school music education
Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); van Geert, Paul L.C.; Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior)
Staging Atmospheres at the Church: Facilitating a Plurality of Perspectives through Multimodal Augmented Reality
Schrandt, Bernadette (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Grabbe, Lars C.; Rupert-Kruse, Patrick; Schmitz, Norbert M.
Feasibility of emotion-regulating improvisational music therapy for young adult students with depressive symptoms
Sonja Aalbers (Lid Lectoraat); Annemieke Vink; Martina de Witte (Lid Lectoraat); Kim Pattiselanno; Marinus Spreen; Susan van Hooren (Lector)
Listening into others
Chandola, Tripta; Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur); Eckenhaussen, Sepp
Reclaiming the body and restoring a bodily self in drama therapy: A case study of sensory-focused Trauma- Centred Developmental Transformations for survivors of father–daughter incest
Marc Willemsen (Onderzoeker)
Inconspicuous sustainability in food practices of Dutch consumers with type 2 diabetes
Brons, A.; Oosterveer, P.; Wertheim-Heck, S.C.O (Lector)
The concept of Positive Health for students/ lecturers in the Netherlands
Yasmaine H.J.M. Karel (Onderzoeker); Marja van Vliet (Onderzoeker); Charlot E. Lugtigheid (Onderzoeker); Cindy M.A. de Bot (Onderzoeker); John Dierx (Lector)
Musician, friend and muse: an ethnographic exploration of emerging practices of musicians devising co-creative musicking with elderly people
Dons, Karolien; Bisschop Boele, Evert; Gaunt, Helena; Sloboda, John; Wise, Karen