Planning cost effective access routes for wind farms
Anthony Curran (Student); Piet Dekker (Docent); Julien Ferrand (Begeleider)
Advancing the Decarbonization of the Construction Sector: Lifecycle Quality and Performance Assurance of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
Emanuele Piaia (Onderzoeker); Beatrice Turillazzi (Onderzoeker); Roberto Di Giulio (Onderzoeker); Rizal Sebastian (Onderzoeker)
Serious Game for Wellness
Xiang Yu; jingya LI; Aarnout Brombacher; Steven Vos
Waterstof op de bouwplaats
Gazendam, Joris (Juridische En Economische Vraagstukken Binnen De Energietransitie); Tempelman, Daisy G. (Juridische Vraagstukken Binnen De Energietransitie)
Hof Van Den Houte
Kaan Kalak (Student)
Characteristics of realigned dikes in coastal Europe
Hoven, K. van den; Kroeze, C.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector)
Facilitating circular site preparation; developing the instrument PrCiSi
Entrop, A.G. (Bram) (Associatelector); Hagen, L. (Lisanne) (Student); Kuiper, A.M. (Aafke)
A conceptual model to determine the impact of off-site construction on labour productivity
Martin van Dijkhuizen (Onderzoeker); Ruben Vrijhoef (Lector); Hans L.M. Bakker (Onderzoeker)
Designing and realizing circular urban road renovation
Goselink, E (Erik) (Researcher)
Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Assembly for Architectural Hybrid Structures
Bier, H.; Hidding, A.; Galli, M. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft))