Empathy and Mentalizing of Mental Health Nurses
Gieke Free (Lid Lectoraat); Wilma Swildens (Lector); Adriaan Hoogendoorn; Aartjan Beekman; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Leergemeenschappen in transitie
Meister-Broekema, Peter
Built Environment Influences on Emotional State Loneliness among Young Adults during Daily Activities: An Experience Sampling Approach
Pauline van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Dominique Gijsbers (Onderzoeker); Astrid Kemperman
Supporting SMEs learning and development through learning culture: an intervention approach
D.J.J.M. Nijman; M. van Rees; S. Corporaal; N. Zuidhof; S. Detaille; M. Lengkeek; R. Korevaar; J. de Leede; S.M.M. de Bruijn; M. Vos; E. Koop
Master Thesis
Samaneh Pakbonyan (Student)
The consumer perception of the nutri-score in the Netherlands
Klaver, B. (Student); Akkermans, C.
Medication shortages
Nova, S. van (Student); Rodenboog, J.
Development of an instrument to measure the relationship between reciprocity behaviour and technology readiness
Coffetti, Elvira (Reciprocity In Learning Networks); Paans, Wolter (Advance Care Planning); Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research); Roodbol, Petrie; Finnema, Evelyn; Zuidersma, Jelly (Reciprocity In Learning Networks)
Tools or toys for healthcare
Zuidhof, (Niek) (Onderzoeker)
Small-scale community-based care initiatives in the Netherlands
Bulder, Elisabeth (Living Environment In Transition); Meier, S.; Bertelmann, L.; Wissenbach, L.