Sustainable employability and work outcomes
Gürbüz, Sait; Bakker, Arnold B; Joosen, Margot C W; Noordik, Erik; Kok, Robin N; Penders, Gregorius B S; Brouwers, Evelien P M
Soft controls and employee well-being: an analysis of SMEs in Europe
D.N.D. Meurs; M. Born; M.P. Lycklama a Nijeholt; J. Schippers
Low literacy part 2
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Supported Education and Supported Employment for Individuals at Clinical-High Risk of Psychosis: A Pilot Study
Malda, Aaltsje; Kuis, Daan Jan; Nieboer, Roeline; van der Pol, Boudien; Aleman, André; Korevaar, E.L.; Sportel, Esther; Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); Pijnenborg, Gerdina H.M.; Boonstra, Nynke
NL ARMS Netherlands annual review of military studies 2021
R.J.M. Beeres; R.M.M. Bertrand; Jeroen Klomp; J.F.C. Timmermans; J.E.D. Voetelink
Promoting Factors to Stay at Work Among Employees With Common Mental Health Problems: A Multiple-Stakeholder Concept Mapping Study.
Suzanne van Hees; Bouwine Carlier; R.W.B. Blonk; S. Oomens
Lessen uit het Amsterdamse experiment met de bijstand
de Beer, Paul; Bos, Sandra
Functional and morphological lumbar multifidus characteristics in subgroups with low back pain in primary care
Hofste, A. (Anke) (Phd); Soer, R. (Remko) (Associatelector); Groen, G.J. (Gerbrand); Palen, J. (Job) van der; Geerdink, F.J.B. (Frank) (Researcher); Oosterveld, F.G.J. (Frits) (Lector); Kiers, H. (Henri); Wolff, A.P. (André); Hermens, H. (Hermie)
An exploration on how the Job-Demand-Support-Control theory impacts the leaders’ well-being whilst in a virtual environment
Varnavas Sisou (Student); David Brannon (Begeleider)
Using a digital interactive narrative as guided self-reflection for beginning nurses to encourage self-care
Bril, Ivo; Degens, Nick; Fleer, J; van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette