Zocht je misschien: known?
Between experiments leveraging prototypes to trigger articulate and share informal knowledge: case of the cities of things living lab
T.J. Jaskiewicz; I. Smit
Striving for more than just profit: examining the relationship between cause-related brand posts and social media engagement
S.B.T. Smit; K. Mazerant-Dubois; K.S. Klaassen; L.M. Willemsen
Specialized expertise among healthcare professionals in palliative care
Fleur Godrie; Ingrid van Zuilekom; Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen; Harmieke van Os-Medendorp (Lector); Linda Schoonmade; Suzanne Metselaar
Listening to People
Boekhoven, Jeroen (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving)
Arts and psychomotor therapies in the treatment of personality disorders
Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Giancarlo Dimaggio (Onderzoeker)
The things we do (not) know
Floris Jan Bruggink (Student)
Evaluating closure joint techniques
Nicholas Brokaar (Student); Albert Repko (Docent); Joachim de Keijzer (Docent); Ahmed Mohamed (Begeleider); Toni Glasbergen (Begeleider)
A Scoping Review on the Influence of Contextual Factors on Training Load in Adolescent Soccer Players
Nijland, Rick (Sports Science); Toering, T.T. (Sports Science); Watson, Cameron; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Lemmink, Koen A.P.M.
Increasing the customers satisfaction of Raabe Slovakia LTD and its estimated effects on the company's success
Terézia Bellayová (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Mira Schrimpelova (Begeleider)
Navigating loneliness: the interplay of social relationships and coping skills
Eric Schoenmakers; Eric Schoenmakers; Tina ten Bruggencate