Recognising the role of radiographers in MR safety and the contributions of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies
Anke de Bock; Johnathan MCNulty; Andrew England
Ontwerp Workshop Waterstoflandschap
van Dam, Kim
Ruimte en energie
van Dam, Kim
Schone energie, mooi landschap?
van Dam, Kim
Schone energie, mooi landschap?
van Dam, Kim
Strategic foresight and barriers: the application of scenario planning in SMEs
M. Cornelisse; H.A. van Klink
Excursie Onlanden
Sekuur, Mark
Commoning the revival of historic estate kitchen gardens in Zuid-Holland
Anderson, J. (Student); Kocken, Q. (Student); Rusanov, T. (Student); Helvoirt, B. van; Molenaars, M.
Expert Meeting Waterstoflandschap
van Dam, Kim ; Aué, Jan-jaap; van Spijk, Alex; Boer, Marianne