Zocht je misschien: mechanism, mechanisms?
De-icers effect on asphalt pavement from life cycle cost analysis perspective
Maris Butkevičs (Student); Christophe Egyed (Docent); Valdis Ločs (Begeleider)
The relationship between ICT based formative assessment and academic achievement in a Mechanics of Materials course
M.A.H.A Meijers (Onderzoeker); P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen (Lector)
Sino-Dutch Conference
Degens, Nick
A three-dimensional model for educational game analysis & design
Degens, Nick; Bril, Ivo; Braad, Eelco
Three dimensions of effective educational game design
Degens, Nick; Bril, Ivo; Braad, Eelco