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Interactions in combined blue mussel and sugar kelp cultures
Jort Rootlieb (Student); Bram Verkruysse (Docent); Jouke Heringa (Docent)
Trace metals and REY in shells of Mytilus edulis as possible proxies for carbonate ion concentration in seawater
Jeroen Mesman (Student)
Do oysters help mussels against crabs?
Splinter, W. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Meiners, A.C.
Dynamic energy budgets affect kinetics of xenobiotics in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis
Van Haren, RJF; Schepers, HE; Kooijman, SALM
Application of a dynamic energy budget model to Mytilus edulis (L.)
Van Haren, RJF; Kooijman, SALM
Cadmium and copper accumulation in the common mussel Mytilus edulis in the Western Scheldt estuary: a model approach
van Haren, RJF; van der Meer, J; de Vries, MB