Developing a virtual reality application for online arts and psychomotor therapies using action research
Nathalie Jans (Onderzoeker); Hans Wouters (Onderzoeker); Joep Kolijn (Docent); Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
The Animal Welfare Consequences and Moral Implications of Lethal and Non-Lethal Fox Control Methods
Nathalie de Ridder (Onderzoeker); Andrew Knight (Begeleider)
Voorwaarts ontwerpen, achterwaarts plannen
de Zwart, Bart
Facebook usage by students in higher education
Wesseling, Nathalie (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Assessing the evolution of banking reputation literature: a bibliometric analysis
Rabia Fatima (Onderzoeker); Rosella Carè; Nathalie Lèvy
Het buddysysteem
Nathalie ter Wal (Student); Amerins Kingma (Student)
HAN ABC - Lean traject
Arian Hofland (Begeleider); Nathalie Rademaker (Begeleider)
Partner Event 2022-06-21
Vincent Wiegel; Stef Tiggeloven (Lid Lectoraat); Menno Herkes (Lid Lectoraat); Mitchell van Roij (Lid Lectoraat); Meike Froklage (Lid Lectoraat); Jannes Slomp; Wilfred Knol; Nathalie Rademaker; Arian Hofland; Martin Linde; Andras Ligeti; Thomas Lautenbach; Gerben Muller
Let's Gro 2023
de Zwart, Bart
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of the French version of the Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain (KNAP) questionnaire
Munneke, Wouter; De Kooning, Margot; Nijs, Jo; Leclercq, Julie; George, Clara; Roussel, Nathalie; Bornheim, Stephen; Beetsma, Anneke J. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reynebeau, Iris; Demoulin, Christophe