Digital self-management support for patients with esophageal cancer
Daniëlle Adriaans
Biopsychosocial complexity in patients scheduled for elective TKA surgery
van der Linde, M.L.; Baas, D.C.; van der Goot, T.H.; Vervest, A.M.J.S.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
NWO NERA Energy Symposium
van der Schoor, Tineke
What moves patients to participate in prehabilitation before major surgery? A mixed methods systematic review
Miriam van der Velde (Onderzoeker); Marike van der Leeden (Onderzoeker); Edwin Geleijn (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Karin Valkenet (Onderzoeker)
Co-operative design of a coach dashboard for training monitoring and feedback
Jos Goudsmit; Ruby Otter; Inge Stoter; Berry van Holland; Stephan van der Zwaard; Johan de Jong; Steven Vos
Co-Operative Design of a Coach Dashboard for Training Monitoring and Feedback
Goudsmit, Jos; Otter-Drost, Ruby Tina Ardi (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Stoter, Inge; van Holland, Berry (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); van der Zwaard, Stephan; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Vos, Steven
Effectofapre-operativeweb-baseddietaryselfmanagement interventiononpatientsatisfaction,body weightandqualityof lifeofesophagealcancerpatients:A prospective,observationalstudy
Daniëlle Adriaans; Sandra Beijer; Fanny Heesakkers; Lisette de Craen-Kat; Nicole Horevoorts; Angelique Dierick-van Daele (Lector); Joep Teijink; Hanneke van Laarhoven; Lonneke van de Poll-Franse; Grard Nieuwenhuijzen
The Thermal Environment of Housing and Its Implications for the Health of Older People in South Australia
Alana Hansen; Terence Williamson; Dino Pisaniello; Helen Bennetts; Joost van Hoof (Lector); Larissa Arakawa Martins; Renuka Visvanathan; Jian Zuo; Veronica Soebarto
Prognostic factors for outcome following lumbar spine fusion surgery: a systematic review and narrative synthesis.
R.J. Achttien; A. Powell; K. Zoulas; Bart Staal; A. Rushton
Facilitators and barriers of intersectoral co-operation to promote healthier and more environmentally friendly behaviour: a qualitative evaluation through focus groups for the INHERIT project
van der Vliet, Nina; den Broeder, Lea (Faculteit Gezondheid); Romeo-Velilla, Maria; Staatsen, Brigit; Kruize, Hanneke; Friedrich, Bettina; Schuit, A. Jantine