Teaching EU in times of new global realities
Kviatek, Beata (Application Of Hydrogen Within The Energy Transition)
Walking the line between assessment, improvement and learning
Van Der Winden, Dorien; Van Dijk, Nynke; Visser, Mechteld R.M.; Bont, Jettie
Critical Participatory Action Research, Critical Discourse Analysis and Praxis
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Onderzoeker)
An empirical study of the Music Copyright System in The Netherlands
Nerko Hadziarapovic (Onderzoeker); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Collaborative organizing for grand challenges
Divito, Lori (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship)
Implementation of technology needs assessments
van der Gaast, Wytze (Legal Aspects Of The Energy Transition); Picon, Carlos
Local CoP (community of practice) impact measurement model.
Beenen, Paul; Bosch, Marije; te Velde, Saskia; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity)
Interprofessional Competency Frameworks in Health to Inform Curricula Development: Integrative Review
David Loura (Onderzoeker); Ana Eva Arriscado (Onderzoeker); Afke Kerkstra (Onderzoeker); Carla Nascimento (Onderzoeker); Isa Félix (Onderzoeker); Mara Pereira Guerreiro (Onderzoeker); Christina Baixinho (Onderzoeker)
Learning Partnerships (WP5) COP Report
Hofenk, Harold (Sports Science); de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Selker, Jacqueline; Beenen, Paul
Designing resilience in Asia
Carracedo, Òscar; Heikoop, Rick; Boogaard, Floris (Climate Adaptation)