Innovative use of recycled plastic in roads
Mohamad Zaher Alnashed (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Ahmad Adel (Begeleider); Hussam Hasan (Begeleider)
Dreaming of Modernism
Bram Schulp (Student)
Enhancing water resistance of geopolymer concrete using biobased materials
Andrea Iannello (Student); Tina Suvorov (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Begeleider)
The functioning of water-storing roads in relation to groundwater
Schoonderbeek, J. (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Veldkamp, T.I.E. (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); van der Lee, N.; Kluck, J. (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad)
Exploring the Evolution of Autonomous Vehicle Acceptance through Hands-On Demonstrations
Rodrigo Encinar (Onderzoeker); Ángel Madridano (Onderzoeker); Miguel Ángel de Miguel (Onderzoeker); Martín Palos (Onderzoeker); Fernando García (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
Towards Climate Resilient Freight Transport in Europe
Frans Bal (Onderzoeker); Jaap Marinus Vleugel (Onderzoeker)
Stabilizing Clayey Soil using plastic waste materials
Hazem Hedia (Student); Christophe Egyed (Docent); Marco Gatto (Docent); Hamdy Hedia (Begeleider); Essam Hedia (Begeleider)
The road to circularity a framework for and experiences in collecting road data in a circular renovation process
Entrop, (Bram) (Associate Lector)
The bumby roads to togetherness
de Lange, Meta (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); Gradener, Jeroen (Lectoraat Youth Spot)
Benchmarking port asset performance
L.A.H. Verbruggen; J.H.R. van Duin; L. Tavasszy; R. Schoenmaker; S.C. Cornelissen