Activating a regenerative urban tourism approach: practices and interventions via a living lab setting in Amsterdam North
Roos Gerritsma (Associate Lector)
Labs: Urban Tourism Lab A’dam & R’dam
Jürg Thölke (Lector); Senka Rebac (Onderzoeker)
Tourism Interventions
Roos Gerritsma (Associate Lector); Donagh Horgan (Onderzoeker)
Humour and comics for academic change and well-being
Giovanna Bertella; Lucia Tomassini
The role of frame resonance in resistance to touristification
Hagemans, Iris (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Spierings, Bas; Weltevreden, Jesse J. (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Hooimeijer, Pieter
Shaping the next generation of FM
Mobach, Mark P.
Crowd-pleasing, niche playing and gentrifying: Explaining the microgeographies of entrepreneur responses to increasing tourism in Amsterdam
Hagemans, Iris (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Spierings, Bas; Weltevreden, Jesse (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Hooimeijer, Pieter
The social media marketing plan of Indibleu
Riphagen, C (Claudia) (Student)
Afstudeerondezoek ‘De Belevenis’
Perik, JJ (Jane) (Student)
Beroepsproduct en verantwoordingsdocument
Veldscholten, ML (Maud) (Student)