Encounters with emergence: Welcoming voices of others and otherness through artistic practices
Coumans, Anke; van Boeckel, Jan; Ex, Linde; Schröder, Luuk
Co-creating Arctic Futures
Dabiran-Zohoory, Pouya; Henk, Anastasiya; Koops, Sterre (Climate Adaptation); Moore, Shannon E.; Nanni, Ugo; Palmer, Leah; Roher, Sophie; Savage, Conor; Smirnova, Polina; Stepetin, Haliehana
Climate Adaptation in Architectural Education
Psarra, Ifigeneia (Real Estate); Bernardt, Clemens
Green care farms and other innovative settings
Hilde Verbeek; Ingeborg Pedersen; Bram de Boer; Simone de Bruin (Lector)
That’s what I like!
Anouk Adank; Dave van Kann; Lars Borghouts; Stef Kremers; Steven Vos
Performing Discourse in Pursuit of Credibility: A QuantitativeContent Analysis of Dutch Live Blogs
Sebastiaan van der Lubben (Onderzoeker); Yael de Haan (Lector); Sanne Kruikemeier; Jaap de Jong; Willem Koetsenruijter
Access to healthy and good food in Almere
Smaal, S.; Sefu, Y.; Veen, E.J.
What is an inclusive city? Reconfiguring participation in planning with geospatial photovoice to unpack experiences of urban belonging among marginalised communities
Burgos-Thorsen, Sofie; Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Madsen, Anders Koed
The Politics of Digital (Human) Rightslocked
Ben Wagner (Lector); Andy Sanchez (Onderzoeker); Marie-Therese Sekwenz; Sofie Dideriksen; Dave Murray-Rust
Stereotypes in ChatGPT: an empirical study
A.L.J. Busker; R. Choenni; M.S. Bargh