Experiences and support needs of families raising adolescents with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities during the transition to adulthood
van den Dries-Luitwieler, Nicole (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Luijkx, Jorien; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Van der Putten, Annette; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities)
Eindpresentatie Jimmy's geeft Thuis
de Zwart, Bart; Daals, Silke; Psarra, Ifigeneia; Simons, Ellen; Boogert, Marc
Professional competencies for sexuality and relationships education in child and youth social care: A scoping review
van der Gaag, Renske Sanne; Walpot, Mirjam Gisella Gwendolyn; Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)
Opgroeien in armoede
Dijkstra, Geerte; Kassenberg, Annelies
Opgroeien in armoede (Toegepaste Psychologie deeltijd)
Dijkstra, Geerte; Kassenberg, Annelies
Kennissessie Jongeren Woonlab
de Zwart, Bart; Daals, Silke
Health Care For Children
Mike Tevel (Student)
How do children with speech sound disorders perform on language and motor skills of children compared to typically developing children?
Luinge, Margreet (Language Function & Healthy Ageing); Beenakker, Marije; Kisjes, Jelle (Youth, Education And Society); van der Schaaf, A.L. (Youth, Education And Society); van der Honing, Femke (Language Function & Healthy Ageing)
Lessons from the Field. Caregivers supporting marginalized people receiving social service support from street outreach workers
Rauwerdink-Nijland, Evelien (Lectoraat Youth Spot); van den Dries, Linda; Metz, Judith; Verhoeff, Arnoud; Wolf, Judith
Signaleren van taalproblemen bij jonge kinderen in de jeugdgezondheidszorg
Bochane, Margot (Talig Functioneren En Gezond Ouder Worden)