Exploring the development of judgement and decision making in ‘competent’ outdoor instructors
Mees, Alice; Toering, T (Sports Science); Collins, Loel
A Meta-Model for Transforming Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research.
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Pesut, Daniel J.; Joosten-Hagye, Dawn; Khalili, Hossein
Involving children in creating a healthy environment in low socioeconomic position (SEP) neighborhoods in The Netherlands : a participatory action research (PAR) project
Lisa Wilderink (Lid Lectoraat); Ingrid Bakker (Associate Lector); Albertine J. Schuit; Jacob Seidell; Carry Renders
Success, Failure, and Impact of Local Energy Initiatives in The Netherlands
Germes, Lynette (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Horlings, Ina
Nursing education for community care
van Iersel, M.; Kirschner, Paul; Latour, Corine; de Vos, Rien
Organizing for Sustainability
Jonker, Jan; Faber, Niels
An explorative study on the enablers and barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services among adolescents (girls and boys) aged 12-19 years of Esidadeni, Mkhambathini, South Africa
Masunda, W. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.
Building community resilience to perennial flood
Imugba, H.O. (Student); Batjes-Sinclair, K.M.
What is a restorative city?
Anna Matczak (Lid Lectoraat)