Insurance Employee Training in China
Ying Liang (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
Export policy plan : how can GSB Grötsch enter the Dubai market and what does the company need to do that?
W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); Christina Bakhtari (Student)
0; 0Bulgarian Rose Oil for the Japanese Joshi [how could the Japanese female fragrance market be successfullyu penetrated by Alteya's Bulgarian rose oil EdP refan Rose?]
P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider); Petar Mollov (Student)
The Afghan intervention in a security perspective
Allard Wagemaker
Marketing Communications Plan for non profit organizations : International Dialogues Foundation
M.J. Hernandez Sanchez (Begeleider); Jeroen Martijn Quist (Student)
WEEE management in Bulgaria
W. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); N.A. Ariens (Begeleider); Antoniya Dimitrova (Student)
Vandaag de vraag, morgen het aanbod. Vraaggestuurde zorg in ontwikkeling
Dr. H.S.M. Kort (Lector)