Voter influence after Sweden's EU accession
Peter le Coq (Begeleider); Martin Söderberg (Student)
Predicting charging infrastructure availability based on a space-time series model
De Clerck, Quentin; van den Hoed, Robert; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot
Lessons Learned from NATO’s Cyber Defence exercise Locked Shields 2015
F.G.J. Absil; A.D. Dijk; J.M.G. Meulendijks
The Influence of the EU's Language Policy on the Language Policy of the Member States of the EU
Dave van Ginhoven (Begeleider); Marieke van Mil (Student)
30 years after the Single European Act : the Single Market under a magnifying glass
Kirsten Vreede (Student); M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider)
The Effectiveness of the Use of Soft Power of The Council of Europe, in Safeguarding the Rights of Asylumseekers who face Administrative Detention in the Netherlands
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Yvonne van de Pol (Student)
Skill mix, roles and remuneration in the primary care workforce: Who are the healthcare professionals in the primary care teams across the world?
T Freund; C Everett; P Griffiths; C Hudon; L Naccarella; Miranda Laurant
Reintegration, reconciliation and relationship quality
M. D. Andres; Karin De Angelis; David McCone
Robert Schuman's commitment to European unification
Margriet Krijtenburg (Lid Lectoraat)
The Stockholm Programme
M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider); Tom F. de Peuter (Student)