Higher education students' experiences of a short-term international programme
Blankvoort, Nadine (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Kaelin, Vera C; Poerbodipoero, Soemitro; Guidetti, Susanne
How does the festival TodaysArt in the Hague contribute to the goals and objectives of the European Union's Creative Europe programme?
Sylvia Pen (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs
Slingeren tussen verlies en herstel
Carmen den Heijer (Student)
Global challenges, local impact
Ilse Schröder (Docent); Ed de Jonge (Lid Lectoraat); Erik Mooij (Docent); Frank Evers
Tensions experienced by teachers when participating in a professional learning community
H. Schaap; M. Louws; J.A. Meirink; Helma Oolbekkink; A. van der Want; I. Zuiker; R.C. Zwart; P.C. Meijer
Using Lo-Fi prototyping to envision conversational agents in public settings
J.P. (Jos) van Leeuwen (Lector); A.J. Quanjer (Lid Lectoraat); Antti Jylhä (Lid Lectoraat)
From Flexible Assertive Community Treatment to collaborative mental health care in the community
Wilma Swildens (Lector); Danine van Rijswijk; Gert Schijven; Leonieke Beverloo
An analysis on the marketing communication of the Dutch Ministry of Defence to attract high-educated women to work as an officer
Marije van Wetten (Student); Nicolien A. Ariëns
Beliefs about Student Achievement Held by Teachers at Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences
Ballafkih, Abdel Hafid (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Van Middelkoop, Daniel
Musician, friend and muse: an ethnographic exploration of emerging practices of musicians devising co-creative musicking with elderly people
Dons, Karolien; Bisschop Boele, Evert; Gaunt, Helena; Sloboda, John; Wise, Karen