Involving children in creating a healthy environment in low socioeconomic position (SEP) neighborhoods in The Netherlands : a participatory action research (PAR) project
Lisa Wilderink (Lid Lectoraat); Ingrid Bakker (Associate Lector); Albertine J. Schuit; Jacob Seidell; Carry Renders
Individual differences among at-risk students changing the relationship between resilience and vocational identity
R. Keijzer; R. van der Rijst; E.J. van Schooten; W. Admiraal
The Position of Female Entrepreneurs and Women in Tech
Stoker, Saskia; Wakkee, Ingrid; Martens, Jeanne; Lucassen, Isabella; Visser, Vivian; Steeman, Suzan
Awake proning in non intubated COVID 19 patients?
Åkerman, Eva; Stilma, Willemke (Faculteit Gezondheid)
A cross-sectional study of lactation room quality and Dutch working mothers’ satisfaction, perceived ease of, and perceived support for breast milk expression at work
van Dellen, Sjoukje; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Wisse, Barbara; Albers, Casper
Resiliences to radicalization
Stephens, William; Sieckelinck, Stijn (Lectoraat Youth Spot)
The hubs
Ida Damen; Steven Vos; Carine Lallemand
Lokale energietransitie in Drenthe en Groningen
Germes, Lynette
Health promotion regarding COVID-19 in puskesmas Rappokalling in Makassar and puskesmas Pudakpayung in Semarang, Indonesia
Melanie Steentjes (Student); Lysbeth Hofstra (Student); Ieneke van der Veen-Strijk (Begeleider)
Van Doorn en bomen
Rijswijk, M. van (Student); Hulzen, R.E. ten