Prima vera: Synergising predictive maintenance
Teeuw, W.B. (Wouter) (Lector); Ton, B. (Bram) (Researcher); Basten, R.J.I. (Rob); Bolte, J.F.B. (John); Braaksma, A.J.J./ (Jan); Bucchianic, A.D. (Alessandro Di); Calseyde, P.P.F.M. (Philippe ) van de; Grooteman, F. (Frank); Heskes, T. (Tom); Jansen, N. (Nielks); Tinga, T. (Tiedo); Stoelinga, M.I.A. ( Mariëlle)
Evaluating the effect of an educational intervention on student midwife self-efficacy for their role as physiological childbirth advocates
Suzanne Thompson (Onderzoeker); Lisa Kane Low; Luc Budé (Docent); Raymond de Vries (Lector); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Assessing the influence of floating constructions on water quality and ecology
Boogaard, Floris; de Lima, Rui; Sazonov, Vladislav
Women’s characteristics and care outcomes of caseload midwifery care in the Netherlands
Pien Offerhaus (Docent); Suze Jans; Chantal Hukkelhoven; Raymond de Vries (Lector); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Household organic waste recovery as key element for a circular economy
Joeri Groenewegen (Student); K.F. (Karel) Mulder (Lector)
Improving adoption of certified seed potatoes by farmers in the southern highlands’ regions of Tanzania
Sanga, M.A. (Student); Snoo, A.C. de
An inventory of the communication of the World Heritage OUV in the Wadden Sea Area
Wit, C. de (Student); Bitter, L. (Student); Smit, P.J.; Rippen, J.C.
Tinkering sustainability performance
Dommerholt, Egbert
Teaching the iGeneration
Peter de Werd
"Never waste a good crisis" - Wegafsluitingen als catalysator voor gedragsverandering in stadslogistiek (?)
Rademakers, K-W.J.F. (Lectoraat Logistiek); Fung, C.; Heimissen, J.