A kind of snoezelen - requirements for a therapeutic robot for older adults with dementia according to caregivers
P. Martinez-Martin; Jordi Albo-Canals; Marcel Heerink; Meritxell Valenti Soler
The Benefits of QualityCoast to European Tourism Destinations
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); David S. Möllers (Student)
Business Plan Caribbean Flavors
Nayree Doedel (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Will UNCLOS last throughout the upcoming 'Cold Rush' in the Arctic?
Joyce Boekestijn (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
The Hague City Marketing Research
Anita Otchere (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
Almshouses of Bartholomeus Hospital in Nineteenth Century Utrecht
Corrie Verstoep (Lid Lectoraat)
Looking for students' personal characteristics predicting study outcome
Cyrille A.C. van Bragt (Docent); Anouke W.E.A. Bakx (Lector); Theo C.M. Bergen; Marcel A. Croon
Not dead yet – the changing significance of newspapers worldwide
Piet Bakker (Lector)
A model of cooperation: the Pact op Zuid information system
F.C.P.P. Spierings (Lector)