Merdan Albayrak (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft
Gender bias in the media framework constructed around the issue of trafficking in human beings in Germany
Antonia M.E. Labitzky (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs
Delays in port with the MV Odin
J. van Berlo (Begeleider); L. De Vylder (Student); Peter Harts (Begeleider)
Detecting Deception using MCI in Twitter
Barthen, J (Jip) (Student); Mol, SA (Stefan) (Student)
Mining in the European Arctic
van Dam, Karin; Scheepstra, Annette; Gille, Johan; Stepien, Adam; Koivurova, Timo; Stepien, Adam; Koivurova, Timo; Kankaanpää, Paula
Honour crimes, a European Problem
Valerie V. van der Tuin (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft (Begeleider)
Berries, Seeds and Hypes
Isabel K. Düsterhöft (Begeleider); Charlotte Meijer (Student)
How is Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V. improving their Customer Engagement by using Online Native Advertising?
Jamie Lee Balek (Student); Jos Schroder (Begeleider); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)