The added value of therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment in older adults : a meta-analysis
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra
Paratonie en andere bewegingsstoornissen bij dementie
Hobbelen, Hans
Bewegen; dementie, evidentie & beleid
Drenth, Hans
Gespreksvaardigheden in de 1ste lijns fysiotherapiepraktijk
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra
Dementie en motoriek, in het bijzonder paratonie en de fysiotherapeutische behandeling
Hobbelen, Hans
Sport Noord Café over talentontwikkeling
Slender, Hans
Dietary protein intake is not associated with 5-y change in mid-thigh muscle cross-sectional area by computed tomography in older adults: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study
Verreijen, Amely M; Engberink, Mariëlle F; Houston, Denise K; Brouwer, Ingeborg A; Cawthon, Peggy M; Newman, Ann B; Tylavsky, Frances A; Harris, Tamara B; Weijs, Peter JM; Visser, Marjolein
A stepwise science-industry collaboration to optimize the calculation of energy expenditure during walking and running with a consumer-based activity device
Joost Oomen; Dennis Arts; Michel Sperling; Steven Vos
How to motivate volunteers
Maren Strieth; Amber Herrewijn