Zocht je misschien: annual?
Co-digestion of cow and sheep manure: Performance evaluation and relative microbial activity
Li, Yu; Achinas, Spyridon; Zhao, Jing; Geurkink, Bert; Krooneman, Janneke; Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem
Zooming in on mechanistic predator-prey ecology
Smith, J.A.; Suraci, J.P.; Hunter, J.S.; Gaynor, K.M.; Keller, C.B.; Palmer, M.S.; Atkins, J.L.; Castañeda, I.; Cherry, M.J.; Garvey, P.M.; Huebner, S.E.; Morin, D.J.; Teckentrup, L.; Weterings, M.J.A. (Lid Lectoraat); Beaudrot, L.
Lipid analysis of Musca domestica larvae reared at different temperatures
Kolder, N. (Student); Ekkel, E.D.
Recognizing animal personhood in compassionate conservation
Arian D. Wallach; Chelsea Batavia; Marc Bekoff; Shelley Alexander; Liv Baker; Dror Ben‐Ami; Louise Boronyak; Adam P. A. Cardilin; Yohay Carmel; Danielle Celermajer; Simon Coghlan; Yara Dahdal; Jonatan J. Gomez; Gisela Kaplan; Oded Keynan; Anton Khalilieh; H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Lid Lectoraat); William S. Lynn; Yamini Narayanan; Sophie Riley; Francisco J. Santiago‐Ávila; Esty Yanco; Miriam A. Zemanova; Daniel Ramp
A case study of Pungdzong dairy farmers group
Ugyen, P. (Student); Oude Luttikhuis, W.M.T. (Docent)
Grass silage for biorefinery- digestion of processed grass silage fibre
Piou, L. (Student); Klop, G.
Comparing methods for assessing chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) party size
Vink, D.; Stewart, F.A.; Piel, A.K.
Understanding the impact of the common agricultural policy on dairy farmers
Cado, M. (Student); Beekhuizen, J. van
Op welke manier is het eerste jaar van het opleidingstraject van hulphonden bij Hulphond Nederland te optimaliseren?
Mons, N. (Student); Haven, S.
How can DIYS Soap improve its brand awareness in the Netherlands?
Midori Ueda (Student); Steven Asei-Dantoni (Begeleider)