On the logistics of cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire: Simulation-based analysis
Mujica Mota, Miguel; El Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero); Scala, Paolo
Comparative study of two organic farms in Alphen and Arnhem
Do, Q.N. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.
Adoption of post-harvest handling technologies (PHHT) and its influence on small-holder maize farmers at Afienya in Ningo Prampram district in Ghana
Marnah, E.M. (Student); Heger, M.C.
Analysis of the guinea fowl meat value chain to identify strategies for improving profitability of farmers
Dramani, W. (Student); Bomans, G.
Scalability of climate-smart practice in forage supply chains
Serem, R.K. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.
Inclusiveness and resiliency competences of dairy farmers for scaling up Climate smart dairy farming in Ziway-Hawassa milk shed, Ethiopia
Hassn, M.M. (Student); Akkermans, L.M.E.
Modelling GHG emission, cost and benefit analysis within the dairy farming system
Anastasia, V. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
Assessing milk collection centre’s potential for quality milk procurement and processing in Nyagatare district, Rwanda
Cyubahiro, E. (Student); Bomans, G.
Improving productivity and production of sunflower oilseeds among smallholder sunflower farmers
Liampawe, G.S. (Student); Snoo, A.C. de
Upgrading butternut squash (BNS) value chain to enhance market access for upscaling and inclusion of smallholder farmers
Osman, L. (Student); Snoo, A.C. de