Using a Delphi technique to seek consensus regarding definitions, descriptions and classification of terms related to implicit and explicit forms of motor learning
Mark Wilson; Monique Lexis; Melanie Kleynen (Lid Lectoraat); Michel Bleijlevens; Anna Beurskens (Lector); Jos Halfens; Sascha Rasquin; Susy Braun (Lid Lectoraat); Rich Masters
Romania and Bulgaria and the Freedom of Workers in Germany
Anne Geerken (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)
The major differences between the Rule of Law and Russia's Dictatorship of Law
Manon Bart (Student); Antje Grebner (Begeleider)
Statelessness in the European Union
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Lisa T. Hohenhorst (Student)
Collaboration RenQi and the Geo Energy group, part of ESRIG
van Gemert, Wim
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Implications for social inclusion and support in the community
Jeroen Knevel (Lid Lectoraat)
Press Freedom in the European Union
D.M. Mercea (Begeleider); Marijke S. Baarda (Student)
Floating Cities: ‘we have a dream to realize’
Boogaard, Floris; de Graaf, R.E.
Transition and transformation
Roggema, Rob; Vermeend, Tim; Timmermans, Wim
A model for programmatic assessment fit for purpose
Liesbeth Baartman (Lid Lectoraat); C.P.M. van der Vleuten; E. Driesssen; L.W.T. Schuwirth