How to improve learning from video, using an eye tracker
de Boer, Jelle
The effects of Social Content Marketing in the sportswear industry
Luc van Dijk (Begeleider); Carola de Bruin (Student)
Product placement
Anjali Brito Barbosa (Begeleider); Jordy den Hollander (Student)
Aroused emotions and their influence on zapping behavior during TV commercials.
Hans de Nie (Begeleider); Sarah Bakker (Student)
The future of promising television content is stuck in a rigid system of traditional stakeholders
W.B. van Dam (Begeleider); Valery Kas (Student)
Press Freedom in the European Union
D.M. Mercea (Begeleider); Marijke S. Baarda (Student)
Growth through internationalization : an online perspective on Born Globals
D.C. Nevels (Docent)
Explorations of ecological autarkey in art, design and science
Nigten, Anne; van Dartel, Michel
Equity-specific effects of 26 Dutch obesity-related lifestyle interventions
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Kremers, Stef; Assema, Patricia; Schreurs, Hanneke
A Cold Case and a Warm Conversation.
dr. Annette Klarenbeek (Lector); Reint-Jan Renes (Lector)