Nonattendance in addiction mental health services:
Blaauw, Eric; Venema, Simon D.; Muskee, Liza
Nonattendance in addiction mental health services
Blaauw, Eric; Venema, Simon D.; Muskee, Liza
Nonattendance in addiction mental health services
Blaauw, Eric; Venema, Simon; Muskee, Liza
Beekeeping as a livelihood option for smallholder farmers in Yoni Bana Chiefdom, Tonkolili District A
Joe, G. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
The potential contribution of value chain governance in the reduction of avocado production losses
Habineza, J.P. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.
Urban belonging toolkit
Groen, M.N. (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); de Gaetano, C.A.M.; Niederer, S.M.C. (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Reducing meat consumption: The influence of life course transitions, barriers and enablers, and effective strategies according to young Dutch adults
van den Berg, Saskia W.; van den Brink, Annelien C.; Wagemakers, Annemarie; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving)
Perceptions of employees with a low and medium level of education towards workplace health promotion programmes: a mixed-methods study
Hanne C.S. Sponselee; Willemieke Kroeze (Lector); Suzan J. W. Robroek; Carry M. Renders; Ingrid Steenhuis
Moving robotics competitions virtual:
Martins, Felipe (Sensors And Smart Systems); Matejov, Adrián; Šuppa, Marek
Narrow-band and widely tunable radiance source for the calibration of spectral imaging instruments
S.A. (Steven) van den Berg (Lector)