Leaving the bubble
Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education)
Deaf leaders’ strategies for working with signed language interpreters
Tobias Haug; Karen Bontempo; Lorraine Leeson; Jemina Melinda Napier; Brenda Nicodemus; Beppie van den Bogaerde (Lector); Myriam Vermeerbergen
Military-civilian personnel survey (MCPS)
M. D. Andres; J.M.L.M. Soeters; Irina Goldenberg
Social media strategy – Paleis Hotel
Daan Ton (Student); Wil M.J. van Leeuwen
Neighbours at the Gate: Exploration of Alternative Approaches to Refugee (Re)settlement and Integration in the Netherlands
Blankvoort, Nadine (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving)
Enhancing citizens’ participation in the community to promote health and wellbeing
Metze, R.N.; van Nes, Fenna; Groot-Sluijsmans, Barbara; Berkvens, Eileen; Veldboer, Lex (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk)
The design and usability testing of a mHealth application for supporting self-regulation of exercising older adults
Mehra, Sumit; van den Helder, Jantine; Dadema, Tessa (Faculteit Gezondheid); Cila, Nazli; Visser, Bart; Engelbert, Raoul; Weijs, Peter; Kröse, Ben
Creating prototypes for cooling urban water bodies
Cortesão, João; Lenzholzer, Sanda; Klok, Lisette; Jacobs, Cor; Kluck, Jeroen (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad)
Shifting Paradigm of Intercultural Communication: When Neurons, Genes and Evolution Joined the Discourse
Nguyen-Phuong-Mai, Mai
Hacking Buiksloterham
de Lange, M.; Waal, M. (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Golchehr, Saba; Ainley, Rosa; Friend, Adrian; Johns, Cathy; Raczynska, Karolina