Television’s undoing of social distancing
Joke Hermes (Lector); Annette Hill (Onderzoeker)
Dobrenko, N (Nick) (Student)
Origins of SWOT Analysis
Puyt, Richard W.; Lie, Finn B.; De Graaf, Frank J. (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); Wilderom, Celeste P. M.
Depressed at Sea
Martijn Brederveld (Begeleider); P.C. Boland (Begeleider); Bjorn Mast (Student); A. Gerritsen (Begeleider)
Environment and occupation
A.N. Rosman; Ch. Schaefer; T. Brand
Fenders Hansweert, design proposal for improvement of the structure's performance
Sullen Lourenço Lehmkuhl (Student); Rien Davidse (Begeleider); Piet Dekker (Begeleider); Gerben Huiszoon (Begeleider)
Spreading of plastics near tidal inlet systems
Hee, F. van (Student); Pauw, F. (Student); Smit, P.J.; Beem, J.A. van
Impact of student interventions on urban greening processes
Stobbelaar, D.J. (Lector)
The effects of integrating work-related factors and improving cooperation in musculoskeletal physical therapy practice: protocol for the ‘WORK TO BE DONE’ cluster randomised controlled trial
Hutting, N (Nathan) (Phd); Oswald, W (Wiebke) (Researcher); Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M (Ria) (Professor); Filart, M (Monique) (Lectoratemember); Raaijmakers, T (Tamara); Bieleman, A (André) (Associatelector); Staal, B (Bart) (Lector); Heerkens, Y (Yvonne) (Lector)
Reporting incidents involving the use of advanced medical technologies by nurses in home care
Haken, I. (Ingrid) ten (Phd); Ben Allouch, S. (Somaya) (Lector); Harten, W.H. (Wim) van (Professor)