Transition skills
Bernardt, Clemens; van Spijk, Alex; van Assen, Sandra
From Quantified Self to Quantified Neighboorhood
I.J. Mulder (Lector); P. Kun
Women and the Gender Gap in Urban Sociology
T. Boston-Mammah (Lid Lectoraat)
The evolution of the Russian Federation's policy towards the OSCE?
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Sema S. Syuleyman (Student)
Resilience: just do it?!
van der Vaart, Gwenda; Trell, Elen-Maarja; Restemeyer, Britta; Bakema, Melanie
Jamming by the nurses station
Page, Kate
Handboek Community for Development Bio Based Building (TBTOP)
Ruut Driessen (Docent); Sylvia Schoenmakers (Lid Lectoraat)
Eindrapportage Onderwijs Innovatiearrangement Toekomst Bestendig Techniek Onderwijs Parkstad (TBTOP)
Maud Collaris-Hensen (Docent)
Zichtbaar in beeld
Sjoerd de Vries
Building a community oriented police in Uruzgan, Afghanistan
E. van der Molen; M.W.M. Kitzen