Designing Digital Technology for Learning
Braad, Eelco
Challenges and opportunities in the tight Dutch IT-labour market
Ciff, Tatiana; Brouwer, Aleid; Ponsioen, Arnout; van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)
Curbing Urban Logistics – a study of the interactions between urban logistics and spatial planning
Samuel Barendregt; Bram Kin; Hans Quak
Tools or toys for healthcare
Zuidhof, (Niek) (Onderzoeker)
Probability of Erosion Utilizing Google Earth Engine and the RUSLE Method in the Tuntang Watershed
Sentani, A; Niam, M F; Boogaard, F.C. (Climate Adaptation)
The role of co-creation in the introduction of innovative clean city logistics alternatives
Eleni Charoniti (Onderzoeker); Bram Kin (Associate Lector); Tariq van Rooijen (Onderzoeker); Hans Quak (Lector)
A Systematic Umbrella Review of the Effects of Teledentistry on Costs and Oral-Health Outcomes
Janneke Scheerman (Lid Lectoraat); Alaa H. Qari; Benoit Varenne; Harmen Bijwaard (Lector); Laura Swinckels (Lid Lectoraat); Nicolas Giraudeau; Berno van Meijel (Lector); Rodríguez Marino
Modal shift poedertransport
Evelot Westerink-Duijzer (Onderzoeker)
Toepassing van POCT
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand