Design specifications for a social robot math tutor
Ligthart, Mike E. U.; de Droog, Simone M.; Bossema, Marianne; Elloumi, Lamia (Lectoraat Digital Life); Hoogland, Kees; Smakman, Matthijs H. J.; Hindriks, Koen V.; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); Castellano, Ginevra; Riek, Laurel; Cakmak, Maya; Leite, Jolanda
How Reflective Automated e-Coaching Can Help Employees Improve Their Capacity for Resilience:
Lentferink, Aniek; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand (Digital Health); Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette
Ethnic minority GP trainees at risk for underperformance assessments
van Moppes, Nathanja Mariëtte; Willems, Sander; Nasori, Mana; Bont, Jettie; Akkermans, Reinier; van Dijk, Nynke; van den Muijsenbergh, Maria; Visser, Mechteld
EffectiveNess of a multimodal preHAbilitation program in patieNts with bladder canCEr undergoing radical cystectomy
Akdemir, Emine; Sweegers, Maike G; Vrieling, Alina; Rundqvist, Helene; Meijer, Richard P; Leliveld-Kors, Annemarie M; van der Heijden, Antoine G; Rutten, Vera C; Koldewijn, Evert L; Bos, Siebe D; Wijburg, Carl J; Marcelissen, Tom A T; Bongers, Bart C; Retèl, Valesca P; van Harten, Wim H; May, Anne M; Groen, Wim G; Stuiver, Martijn M (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker)
Transparency in conducting and reporting research
Malički, Mario; Aalbersberg, IJsbrand Jan; Bouter, Lex; Mulligan, Adrian; ter Riet, G. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
The quality of geriatric rehabilitation from the patients’ perspective: a scoping review
Lubbe, Anne L.; van Rijn, Marjon (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Groen, Wim G.; Hilhorst, Sophie; Burchell, George L.; Hertogh, Cees M.P.M.; Pol, Margriet C. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
The Unified Citizen Engagement Approach
Tjahja, Cyril; Psarra, Ifigeneia; Kort, Joke
Hartgezondheid in eigen hand
Folkerts, Jef; Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict); van Ittersum, Miriam (Digital Health); Oldenhuis, Hilbrand (Digital Health); de Laet, Kimmylee
Grid governance; what new roles for the community energy movement?
van der Schoor, Tineke
Sustainable strategies for heritage; towards a holistic valuation framework
van der Schoor, Tineke; Józekowski, Jacek; Ressano Garcia, Pedro