Zocht je misschien: brand?
Is it possible for Hunkemöller to enter the Suriname market?
Shiesma Parbhoe (Student); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)
Consumption patterns and cultural values in Europe
Annemien van der Veen (Lid Lectoraat); Agnes Neulinger; Jacob Rosendahl; Tino Bech-Larsen
What’s this thing called Love? Exploring the relationship between brand love, personality, and the propensity to anthropomorphize
Ronald Voorn (Lid Lectoraat)
Let's get Social. De Fotomeisjes.
Iris Ooms (Begeleider); Madris Duric (Begeleider); Robin Raynor (Student)
A Comparative Analysis of Store Attributes of Large and Small Retail Stores which Influence the Consumer Decision Making Process in Store Selection.
Claudia Rutten (Student); Masoud Banbersta (Begeleider)
'Van SPRINGDANCE naar SPRING festival'
Suus Arends (Student); Ruth van der Kam (Begeleider); Pieta Koopman (Begeleider)
Engaging with Consumer Tribes.
Willemijn van den Broek (Student); Peter Applebaum (Begeleider); Summer Howcroft (Begeleider); Ed Olijerhoek (Begeleider)
Social Media onderzoek. Mazda Motor Nederland.
Norbert van der Hulst (Begeleider); Mattijn Nederend (Student)
"Let the music take control of your body, mind and soul".
Chantal Brands (Student); Pauline Fellinger (Begeleider)
Slaan, schoppen, schelden en vechten
Jonathan Brands (Student); Frank Konneman (Student); Ad van de Ven (Begeleider)