Facebook use versus first year college exams
Wesseling, N. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Engineering honours program
Ir Antoine waal; Ir Peter van Kollenburg (Docent)
First year’s tastes
Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); Kamminga, John; Boonstra, Femke; Bouma, Nore; Koke, Mariska; Snippen, Nicole
The use of social network sites to reduce the number of drop-outs in the first year of ES4
Wietske C.M. Stevens (Student); E.C.J. Nieuweboer (Begeleider)
Students' educational careers in Higher Education: a search into key factors regarding study outcome
Dr. Cyrille A.C. Van Bragt
Learning in networks Community of Practice: a new approach to entrepreneurial learning
Schrooten, G.B.J. (Gerrit) (Researcher)
Marketing Research Report : new product feasibility research and development recommendation [for FY Co.]
Meng Zhang (Student); R.C.M. Nijman (Begeleider); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)
The ability to develop innovative products as a relevant competence for engineering students
Ir. Peter van Kollenburg (Docent); Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent); Ir. Reinder Bakker (Docent)
The improvement of social behaviour during Physical Education
Veronique Utens (Student); Liesbeth Jans (Begeleider)
Different ways of education in Industrial Automation
Ir Dick van Schenk Brill (Docent)