The relationship of monotonous tasks and job satisfaction among starters in the commercial real estate industry
Marco Griep (Student); Praneschen Govender (Begeleider)
Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers, Facilitators, and Needs
Inge Klatte (Onderzoeker); Vera van Heugten (Onderzoeker); Rob Zwitserlood (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Explorations on the use of lived experiences by psychiatrists
Simona Karbouniaris (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Boomsma-van Holten; Antoinet Oostindiër; Pascal Raats; Cecil Prins-Aardema; Alie Weerman; Jean-Pierre Wilken (Lector); Tineke Abma
Women admitted to forensic psychiatry in Flanders (Belgium): Who are they?
Jan De Varé; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); An de Decker; Sabine Tremmery; Kasia Uzieblo; Leen Cappon
Feasibility of a microlearning intervention about nutritional care for older adults provided by hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants: A mixed-methods study
Debbie ten Cate (Onderzoeker); Jeroen Dikken (Onderzoeker); Roelof G.A. Ettema (Onderzoeker); Lidia van Veenendaal (Onderzoeker); Marieke J. Schuurmans (Onderzoeker); Lisette Schoonhoven (Onderzoeker)
The 3-Month Effectiveness of a Stratified Blended Physiotherapy Intervention in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Martijn Pisters (Lector); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Remco M. Arensman (Onderzoeker); Raymond Ostelo (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Enhancing the role of the social network in activity (re)engagement post-stroke: a focus group study with rehabilitation professionals.
Dinja van der Veen; S. Jellema; P.J. van der Wees; M.J.L. Graff; Bert de Swart; Esther Steultjens
Setting meaningful goals in rehabilitation: A qualitative study on the experiences of clients and clinicians in working with a practical tool.
E. Littooij; S. Doodeman; J. Holla; M. Ouwerkerk; L. Post; Ton Satink; A.M. ter Steeg; J. Vloothuis; J Dekker; V. de Groot
Promoting Factors to Stay at Work Among Employees With Common Mental Health Problems: A Multiple-Stakeholder Concept Mapping Study.
Suzanne van Hees; Bouwine Carlier; R.W.B. Blonk; S. Oomens