Opfererfahrungen im Internet – Schutz- und Risikofaktoren
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector); Susanne van 't Hoff-de Goede (Lid Lectoraat); Rick van der Kleij (Lid Lectoraat); Steve van de Weijer (Lid Lectoraat)
The association between polypharmacy and malnutrition(risk) in older people: A systematic review.
W.E. Kok; E.B. Haverkort; Y.A. Algra; J. Mollema; Vanessa Hollaar; Elke Naumann; Marian de van der Schueren; K Jerković-Ćosić
Community of practice als instrument voor HR-innovatie binnen de zorg en logistiek
S. van Neure; Sarah Detaille; T. Schipper; Annet de Lange; I Schrijver
Innovativeness, Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Cultural Differences
Brandt, Tiina; Wanasika, Isaac; Dubickis, Mikus; Treacy, Stephen; Pihlajarinne, Hanna; Acocella, Rocco; Militaru, Andreea; Bakker, Diederich (International Business); Liu, Hugh (L.); Liu, Rong; Tsuzuki, Yukie; Vo, Thu; Akçaoğlu, Emin; Wehner, Rainer
Spotless? Perceived Cleanliness in Service Environments
Vos, Martijn; Pruyn, Ad; Mobach, Mark P.; Galetzka, Mirjam; van Hagen, Mark
Dutch Honors Alumni Looking Back on the Impact of Honors on their Personal and Professional Development
Kool, Arie; Kamans, Elanor (Talent Development In Higher Education And Society); Wolfensberger, Marca
Burgerparticipatie in Klimaatadaptatie
Roest, Allard; Boogaard, Floris; Buijs, Jean-Marie; Terpstra, Teun; van den Heuvel, Jasper; van der Maas, Peter; Fliervoet, Jan; Baan, Ineke; Heikoop, Rick; Lorenz, Natalie; Witteveen, Loes
Facilitating circular site preparation; developing the instrument PrCiSi
Entrop, A.G. (Bram) (Associatelector); Hagen, L. (Lisanne) (Student); Kuiper, A.M. (Aafke)
The Timed Swallowing Proficiency for Eating and Drinking (SPEAD) Test: Development and Initial Validation of an Instrument to Objectify (Impaired) Swallowing Capacity in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Karsten, R. T.; Hilgers, F. J. M.; van der Molen, L.; van Sluis, K.; Smeele, L. E.; Stuiver, M. M. (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker)
What is on the menu?
Roodenburg, A.J.C. (Lector); Linschooten, J.O. (Onderzoeker); Hanssen, N.S.J.; Lieverloo, J.H.M. van (Docent)