Infiltratiecapaciteit wadi’s varieert in ruimte en tijd
Boogaard, Floris; Schilder, S.; Lekkerkerk, Jonathan
Mainstreaming of Climate Change Adaptation in Moroccan Companies: Tools, Teachings, and Perspectives BT - Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership, Transformation
Boogaard, Floris; Leal Filho, Walter; Luetz, Johannes; Ayal, Desalegn
Effectiveness of water-saving techniques on growth performance of mango (Mangifera Indica L.) seedlings in Mihitsab-Azmati watershed, Rama Area, northern Ethiopia
Petros, W.; Tesfahunegn, G.B.; Berihu, M.; Meinderts, J.H. (Lid Lectoraat)
Water Infrastructure Asset Management Is Evolving.
A. Pathirana; Frank den Heijer; P. Sayers
Klimaatrobuuste landschappen
Lagrouw, V. (Student); Munnen, P. van (Student); Bax, J.
Challenges and opportunities in fighting food waste
Emma Hansen (Student); Guido C. van Hengel (Begeleider)
de Jong, Lotte; Roest, Allard; Boogaard, Floris