Biopsychosocial complexity in patients scheduled for elective TKA surgery
van der Linde, M.L.; Baas, D.C.; van der Goot, T.H.; Vervest, A.M.J.S.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
Report: Regional Development Indicators
Melis, Dr. Korrie; Bulder, Elisabeth (Living Environment In Transition)
Advancing the Decarbonization of the Construction Sector: Lifecycle Quality and Performance Assurance of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
Emanuele Piaia (Onderzoeker); Beatrice Turillazzi (Onderzoeker); Roberto Di Giulio (Onderzoeker); Rizal Sebastian (Onderzoeker)
Identifying factors that influence electric vehicle charging station performance in expanding networks
Wolbertus, Rick (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
A family affair: interviews with people with dementia and an active euthanasia wish and their families
Scheeres-Feitsma, Trijntje
Pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities is not a choice
Stoker, Saskia (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Rossano-Rivero, Sue; Davis, Sarah; Wakkee, Ingrid; Stroila, Iulia
Bridging the gap between clinical pharmacology and rational drug prescribing 2.0
Erik M. Donker; Michiel J. Bakkum; Milan C. Richir; Jelle Tichelaar (Lector)
Facebook usage by students in higher education
Wesseling, Nathalie (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))