Marteloscope op het Kroondomein : afstudeeronderzoek naar de realisatie van een marteloscope en de inzichten die dit verschaft op bosbouwkundig- en financieel gebied
Egmond, J.-R. van (Student); Schot, D. (Student); Olthof, R.; Raggers, J.
The Potential of Illipe nut production for small holders in Kalimantan, Indonesia : a comparison between Illipe nut cultivation and palm oil cultivation by small holders in Kalimantan
Groen, B. (Student); Vletter, J. de; Smits, W.
Een onderzoek naar de implementatie van de QD-strategie in het ProSilva beheer op landgoed Bieduinen
Boos, N.G.J. (Student); Groot, J.W. de (Student); Olsthoorn, A.F.M.
Usage of forest by horses pastured on grassland with woods
Kästner, C. (Student); Verweij, F.; Roehm, C.
Forest foods and local livelihoods : an evaluation of the situation Inbéli in the Boé region of Guinea-Bissau
Willemsen, J. (Student); onbekend
Using vegetation indices from satellite images to estimate evapotranspiration and vegetation water use in North-Central Portugal
Slik, B. van der (Student); Carvalho Nunes, J.P.
High altitude cloud forest: a suitable habitat for sloths : a field research to the suitability of Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, a high altitude cloud forest in Costa Rica as a habitat for sloths
Meijboom, W. (Student); Gode, T.; Vletter, J. de
Birds in Cerrado and Eucalyptus plantations
Scholten, S. (Student); Vletter, J. de
Can the rainforest of Puerto Princesa be preserved from unstustainable development
Meeteren, R. van (Student); Duijl, E. van; Beijen, J. van