Implementing a Personalized Physical Therapy Approach (Coach2Move) Is Effective in Increasing Physical Activity and Improving Functional Mobility in Older Adults: A Cluster-Randomized, Stepped Wedge Trial.
W. Heij; L. Sweerts; Bart Staal; S. Teerenstra; E. Adang; P.J. van der Wees; M.W.G. Nijhuis -van der Sanden; T.J. Hoogeboom
Challenges in the implementation and evaluation of a transmural palliative care pathway for acutely hospitalized older adults; lessons from the PalliSupport program
van Doorne, I.; van Schie, V.M.W.; Parlevliet, J.L.; Willems, D.L.; van Rijn, M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Buurman, B.M.
Physical dependence and urinary catheters both strongly relate to physical inactivity in adults during hospital stay
Geelen, Sven J. G.; Giele, Boukje M.; Veenhof, Cindy; Nollet, Frans; Engelbert, Raoul H. H.; van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Coil Country Focus
Buntru, Thomas; García Portillo, Brenda; Rodríguez Luna, Verónica; Biondo Salomão, Ana Cristina; Succi, Osvaldo; Freire, José Celso; Hackett, Simone; Haug, Eva (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Ikeda, Keiko; Onorevole, Veronica M.; Samuels, Lavern; Rajah, Vinay; Mitchell, Lize-Mari; Rubin, Jon; Guth, Sarah
Value-Informed Innovation
Esther van der Stappen (Onderzoeker); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector)
Adherence to an injury prevention program in male amateur football players is affected by players’ age, experience and perceptions
Sander van de Hoef (Onderzoeker); Michel Brink (Onderzoeker); Jur Brauers (Onderzoeker); Maarten van Smeden (Onderzoeker); Vincent Gouttebarge (Onderzoeker); Frank Backx (Onderzoeker)
Investigating the emergence of customer orientation by analyzing a co-creation servitization project between a Dutch supplier and a German customer.
Jean Louis Steevensz (Lector)
General Feasibility Report
Julie-Marthe Lehmann (Lid Lectoraat)