Multimodal speech data acquisition with the use of EMA, fast-speed video cameras and a dedicated microphone array
Swiecinski, R.J.
The effect of rain noise on roost emergence in Neotropical bats
Smeekes, M.J. (Student); Wintermans, J.A.
Effective components of nurse-coordinated care to prevent recurrent coronary events: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Snaterse, Marjolein; Dobber, Jos; Jepma, Patricia; Peters, Ron J G; ter Riet, Gerben; Boekholdt, S Matthijs; Buurman, Bianca M; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J M
Optimizing Product Paths in a Production Grid
Leo van Moergestel (Lid Lectoraat); John-Jules Meyer; Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); Erik Puik (Lector)
Critical Strain Determination Based on the Euler-Fresnel Jig
S Koussios; K Tazelaar (Docent); NB Roozen; A Beukers
RARE: people detection in crowded passages by range image reconstruction
van Oosterhout, Tim; Englebienne, Gwenn; Kröse, Ben
Pattern recognition and motor learning
Harris, Robert
Density estimates and habitat preferences derived from camera trap rate provide the first empirically based population assessment for the Bawean warty pig (Sus blouchi) on Bawean island, Indonesia.
Rademaker, M.A. (Student); Bezuijen, H.T.M.; Wijk, B.B.H. van
The Effectiveness of the Use of Soft Power of The Council of Europe, in Safeguarding the Rights of Asylumseekers who face Administrative Detention in the Netherlands
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Yvonne van de Pol (Student)
Are some animals more equal than others?
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker); Mickey Gjerris