Can clinical evaluation predict return to sport after acute hamstring injuries?
Schut, Lotte; Wangensteen, Arnlaug; Maaskant, Jolanda; Tol, Johannes L.; Bahr, Roald; Moen, Maarten
Advies voor het bepalen van de strategie bij het aantonen van de juridische causaliteit voor slachtoffers van een WAD graad 1 en 2
Ingrid van Mierlo (Begeleider); Jamie Jansen (Student)
Anthropometric injury risk factors in elite-standard youth soccer
Kemper, G L J; van der Sluis, A; Brink, M S; Visscher, C; Frencken, W G P; Elferink-Gemser, M.T.
Training load and health problems in freshman rowers
Beijsterveldt, Anne-Marie van; de Jong, Mark; Lemmink, Koen; Stubbe, Janine
Importance of peak height velocity timing in terms of injuries in talented soccer players
van der Sluis, A; Elferink-Gemser, Marije; Brink, M S; Visscher, C
Optimization of the anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention paradigm
Benjaminse, Anne; Gokeler, Alli; Dowling, Ariel; Faigenbaum, Avery; Ford, Kevin; Hewett, Timothy; Onate, James; Otten, Bert; Myer, Gregory
Health related aspects of PA & sport/running
de Jong, Johan
Differences in injury risk and characteristics between Dutch amateur and professional soccer players
van Beijsterveldt, A.M.C. (Anne-Marie); Stubbe, J.H.; schmikli, S.L.; van de Port, I.G.L.; Backx, F.J.G.
Dynamic postural stability differences between male and female players with and without ankle sprain
Dallinga, Joan; van der Does, Henrike; Benjaminse, Anne; Lemmink, Koen
ACL research retreat VII
Shultz, Sandra; Schmitz, Randy; Benjaminse, Anne; Collins, Malcolm; Ford, Kevin; Kulas, Anthony