HZ Innovation Studio The Garage
Swastika Regmi (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Timo Derriks (Begeleider)
Who audits the auditors?
Janik Brandt (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Esra Cansiz (Begeleider)
Future flood protection landscapes
Tom 't Hart (Student); Liliane Geerling (Docent); Teun Terpstra (Begeleider)
Higher Education Institution (hei) learning hubs: a case study on social entrepreneurship in Thailand and Myanmar
Liliya Terzieva (Onderzoeker); Lisa Mahajan (Onderzoeker); Monique Schulte (Onderzoeker)
De overgang van melkvoeding naar vaste voeding. Aangeboden voeding door ouders/verzorgers in Amsterdam tijdens de overgang van melkvoeding naar vaste voeding bij kinderen tussen 4 en 12 maanden.
Giroldi, Elora (Student); Pronk, Jamie (Student); Booij, Yvonne; Timmermans, Marjolein; Ujcic-Voortman, Joanne
You have to fight to get there: an exploratory study into the experiences of refugee-background students in higher education
D.A. van Dijk; A. Kooiman
Business performance and purchase intentions in cross-border e-commerce
Goldman, Sjoukje (Kenniscentrum Fbe); van Herk, Hester; Verhagen, Tibert; Weltevreden, Jesse
The power of engagement: unleashing impact through the sales excellence onboarding
Julia Dragone (Student); Peter Raas (Docent); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent)
The vulnerability to flash floods from the perception of the people in the Safende district
Anoushik Sayyad-Hartounian
Permacomputing aesthetics: potential and limits of constraints in computational art, design and culture
A. Mansoux; B. Howell; D. Barok; V. Heikkilä